
Sydney, Northern Beaches – South Facing Balcony System:                  –PVC A-Frame 50 (Hydroponic) Sunlight:                –Full sun 6-8 hours p/day Grow Period:        –OCT – APR Seedlings:             -From seed using Jiffy peat pellets Water strategy:    –Daytime – 2 hrs on/30 min off -Nighttime – 4 hrs off/30 min on -Replace water tank every 2 weeks -Top-up water every 4 to 5 days Nutrient:              -2/3 Flora Gro, 1/3 Flora Micr0 Grow strategy:     -Small plants bottom, large plants top -A Frame stakes on top for large plants Results: – After transplanting, roots took 1 week to emerge from mesh pots.  – Once this occurred, growth was incredibly robust. – After 2-3 weeks most plants were completely established. – After 4 weeks, all soft leafy green plants such as rocket, lettuce, spinach was ready for harvest. – Tomato plants were almost fully grown and needed pruning. – By 6 weeks, you could hardly see any white tubing, the system was a vertical wall producing a perpetural daily harvest of herbs, lettuces, cucumbers and zucchinis. – Insects were not an issue, just hand-picked any green caterpillars and a selective dose of pyrythrum on certain plants. – Olive Oil / Dish Soap used as fungicide for cucumbers. – Within 7-8 weeks the tomatoes were fruiting heavily. – By 8-10 weeks the tomatoes were ready for harvest. – During this period, the lettuces were harvested every 4 weeks and replaced with new seedlings… – This process was repeated twice during the summer period producing 2 full crops of tomatoes, zucchini’s, cucumbers, and approx 5 full crops of lettuce, spinach, rocket, and a perpetual supply of herbs such as basil, parsely, and coriandar.   North Sydney  – North Facing Balcony System:                  –VGS System (Hydroponic) Sunlight:                –Full sun 6-8 hours p/day Grow Period:        –OCT – APR Seedlings:             -From seed using Jiffy peat pellets Water strategy:    –Daytime – constant -Nighttime – 4 hrs off/30 min on -Replace water tank every 2 weeks -Top-up water every 4 to 5 days Nutrient:              -2/3 Flora Gro, 1/3 Flora Micr0 Grow strategy:     -Small plants bottom, large plants top -A Frame stakes on top for large plants To the left, is a picture of just 1 basil plant!!!    Needless to say, the owners of this system have some growing experience and know what they’re doing….   Sydney, Northern Beaches – East Facing Courtyard (Australia) System:                   – VGS Garden System (Soil) Sunlight:                 – 2-3 hours p/day  Grow Period:        – DEC – FEB (Australia) Seedlings:           – Seed using Jiffy peat pellets Water strategy:   – 15 seconds p/day (garden hose) Nutrient:            – N/A (soil) Plants:                – Leaf lettuce (top)                            – Radicchio (middle)                            – Celery (bottom) This is a simple set-up showing how anyone can grow veggies with merely 2-3 hours of direct sunlight.   Sydney, Northern Beaches – North Facing Balcony (Australia) System:                   – Hydroponic Balcony Garden Sunlight:                 – 4-5 hours p/day  Grow Period:        – APR – JUN (Australia Winter) Seedlings:           – From Seed using Jiffy peat pellets Water strategy:   – 4 hours on 15 minutes off (day) – 4 hours off 15 minutes on (night) Nutrient:            – Flairform 1 part grow Plants:                – Brocolli (left)                            – Lettuce, Rocket, Kale (right)                           This location receives direct sun from morning to mid-day and is nicely sheltered from the southerly winds.    Broccoli and kale grow extremely well hydroponically in the winter months of Australia.  The black mesh is standard fly screen which is draped over the unit at night to protect against possums.

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